While I was out there admiring and photographing the bush, I noticed some pods hanging above my head. Interesting. Pod-love began to swell.
But while I was trying to place the camera just-so, above my head, I also noticed a mosquito perched on my knuckle. Waaaa. Since I'd labored for the desired angle, I hastily poked the button, then I yanked my hand down and smacked the buhg.
No itch.... ...No itch.... Whew! I'd gotten her before she got me. I walked back to the house, warmed my coffee, greeted Son4, sat down at the computer...and ITCHED. *grrrr* Knuckle bites are the worst, and what's a blogpost without the ever-recurring whine?
Let all those that seek thee rejoice and be glad in thee: and let such as love thy salvation say continually, Let God be magnified. ~Psalm 70:4
Man, I HATE knuckle bites...
I am a pod-lover, too, and took some pics of some of the pods that are in the neighbor's yard...ssshhh, don't tell.
These look GOLD...absolutely beautiful!
Ahh, I'll be watching for stolen pods on your blog, Morgan. Ü
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