Friday, February 6, 2009

Photography GeniusNot

[Charles approaches and looks at monitor.  "What's that?"  "It's SugarPlum.  I'm doing a post of stupid photos."  "Oh.  Well that should be easy: probably got a ton of 'em."  *waaa*]

Now some of my photographic treasuresNot you just don't need to see.  I didn't need to see them.  When I'm in the pasture, heart swelling with CowNot love, thinking every little thing the CowNots do is cute ... I should bear in mind that eating chow isn't so cute, captured in a camera lens.  This activity provides a frame full of CowNot be-hinds.  Not cute.  So we won't be looking at any of those today.  I have a lot of 'em.  We won't look at 'em, though.

Would you believe me, if I told you I wanted a photo of Florence's collar?

I didn't think you would.

It's kinda nice, having a photo of my foot.  I do have another one — foot, that is.  I can't tell you where it was or why it was there.

Might have been a right-nice foot-foto, without that shadow.

Here's a lovely photo of Alice:

I don't know, so don't bother asking.

Got me a great shot of the iced pond:

Be quiet.  Look again.  It's at the top, beyond all that dead grass.

Here's Murdock, in the CowNot pasture, where he lives with his two hen-wives:

That is too Murdock.  Okay, his wives are outside the frame.  But Murdock's there.  Well, part of his head.  Near the lower, left corner.

This is a cute little image of our cute little SugarPlum:

This one ... this next one ... no blame lies at the photographer's door:

Don't you dare say a word about DNA.  Not one word.

And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses.  ~Mark 11:25

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