Thursday, December 20, 2007

Piggledy Conversations

Hmm, we're driving home at deer hour.

Deer hour. Is that like rush hour or power hour?


You know, there's a group of politicians...

Cows! Look at the cows. I love it when the cows are black and the sky's colorful. Look at that.


I want a picture. Ohhh, I want a picture of that. I wish I had a picture of that.

Is that ice? I don't think it's ice. Is it ice?

No, it can't be ice.

Maybe the road's sweating.

Well, it can't be ice.
Politcians seem to...

You need to not talk. Help me watch for deer.

Okay. I'm watching.

Put your head against the headrest.


Cows. I think they like to hang out with cows.

Yeah, they go back a long way.

*swerving around black lump in road*

That was a skunk.

I know.
Ew! (from the back seat)
Aw, that's awful!
Oh man, ohhhhhhhh.
Ohhh, why can we still smell it?
You know how skunks work.

*stopping at the mailbox*

Look. Look at the trees. I love it when the trees are black and the sky's colorful.


I like it better with black cows though.

For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. ~Isaiah 55:12

1 comment:

zoomer1 said...

Hey, I think I recognize that sunset! :)
